2020-12-26 - Flying Dogs

^z 9th July 2023 at 7:47pm

~5 mi @ ~23 min/mi

"Flying dogs!" Happy pups dash across the frosty ground as their owner jogs behind. Puppylike Roadkill predictably requests "Adventure!" and with Court Jester, Slow Twitch, and Square Peg rambles from the Woods Academy along Greentree Rd to circumnavigate the big field where, only 4 months ago, radio transmitter towers stretched skyward.

The towers are gone, and soon this will all be a housing development (cf 2020-08-09 - Tall Towers). The quartet ambles mindfully, with cut-throughs and conversation, for about 5 miles; GPS omits the first segment. Happy Boxing Day!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2021-01-24